Arduino TeaBot – automatic Tea Maker

Veröffentlicht von brun am

The design uses the 3D model created by SnakeP (licensed under Creative Commons – Attribution, see link below). I adapted the TeaBot_Base to be able to fit the electronics inside it. This eliminates the need for a separate electronics enclosure. The parts TeaBot_Arm_LH and TeaBot_Arm_RH need to be printed two times each.

I removed the battery from the device, it is powered directly from the USB Type-C connector.

Link to the project resources:


parts list

  • Arduino Nano
  • OLED display I2C 128×32 with SSD1306 controller
  • rotary encoder
  • optional: Buzzer
  • MG996R Servo
  • 8 x M3x25mm screws
  • 1 x M3x12mm screw
  • 9 x M3 nuts (self locking)
  • 1 x alligator clip
  • 4x 3,0×12 screws


3D-printed parts

The 3D parts can be found in the project resources.


The software can be found in the project resources.

Key features:

  • the rotary encoder is used to set the time, the time value is stored in the EEPROM of the Arduino, so at the next start the previous time value is restored
  • Button operation:
    • single click: start/stop
    • double click: enable/disable dipping (setting is stored in EEPROM), options: OFF, every 10 seconds, every 30 seconds
  • Buzzer sound after timer expires


This work by Dustin Brunner is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dieses Werk von Dustin Brunner ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz.

Kategorien: ElektronikTechnik

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