EF95 tube audio preamp

Preamp with EF95 vacuum tubes. The design is heavily inspired by Electronoobs design. I modified the power supply and adjusted some component values. The amp is based on EF95 tubes in a Class A configuation (one tube per channel). The gain can be adjusted using two potentiometers. To reduce noise Weiterlesen…

Baofeng UV-5R Battery Case

A simple battery case for the Baofeng UV-5R (and maybe some other Baofeng models) radio. It was inspired by commercial battery adapters, which can be bought online: (Source: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/b9gAAOSwS9BdGHeZ/s-l1600.jpg) The 3D-model of the case can be downloaded from this Github repository. The original model was made by jameslee522 (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4607617 / CC Weiterlesen…